Rebeccah again sry..
Um so we had our 1st day at the land. The guys worked super hard clearing out places where we are gonna be working and then girls planted a garden. It was pretty productive for the 1st day. Sorry so short it is 10:30 at night here. Everyone is tired alot of us are relapsing in sickness so please pray for our teams health we would really appreciate. Love u all!
Da Team
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
At the land!
Its Beccah!! We are at the land. We got stopped by police today but Charles of VOH took care off everything. We made it safe and sound. We met Bill 2! He is really nice. We are using his computer for internet while we are here. For those of u who know pastor greg king of CBC he reminds me alot of him lol. We are all staying in mud huts with triple decker bunk beds with mosqito nets on them. We also went fishing on the Nile river today but had no luck. We rode a boat across the nile and then had dinner. Well that was our fun filled day. Tomorrow we start real hard work. I am really excited to see all that is to come. Hope u all are well!
Its Beccah!! We are at the land. We got stopped by police today but Charles of VOH took care off everything. We made it safe and sound. We met Bill 2! He is really nice. We are using his computer for internet while we are here. For those of u who know pastor greg king of CBC he reminds me alot of him lol. We are all staying in mud huts with triple decker bunk beds with mosqito nets on them. We also went fishing on the Nile river today but had no luck. We rode a boat across the nile and then had dinner. Well that was our fun filled day. Tomorrow we start real hard work. I am really excited to see all that is to come. Hope u all are well!
Hey guys, it's Jennie and Lindsey. We arrived safely to the land this afternoon and we just finished eating dinner...they made us SPAGHETTI! We settled into our huts and some of the team went fishing with Bill in the Nile! (Although they didn't catch anything) We are livin' the life on the land! There is even one toilet with a SEAT on it! We carried the big jugs of water on our heads today and got to take bucket baths! We love and miss you all and will try to write again soon! Thanks so much again for your prayers and support!
Goin to the VOH land today.
Hey everyone this is Zach! This will be my first blog post. Everything is going really well. We have been making awesome relationships with the people around where we are staying. We have been to a number of the refugee camps and we have been playing games passing out Bibles and stopping the nakedness(a big thanks to figtree clothing). Thank you to all of you for your support and praying in this trip. It is not always easy to see what we are to do next and the impact and lager picture sometimes. But God has been working in mighty ways. We had a great turn out last night at one of the refugee camps and had many people come up to Give their lives to Jesus and made some great friends. I am glad that God can use a group of ten young people to make an eternal impact on the people here.
So please continue to pray for the hearts of the people here, for those that we have not yet talked to and those that we are we are still in communication with.
Off to the Land....
Hey it's we will be heading down south to begin outr time constructing on the future Village of Hope where Rose will move all 400 sponsored orphans to....they are all currently living in the camps witht he exception of 19 who live in the safe house with Rose and Charles.....This past week has been incredible...we have seen many salvation passed out hundreds of bibles and worked on 3 huts.....sooo much fun. THursday we had the opportunity to go visit the children's ward at the was extremely full as now is malaria season....we prayed with many of theses infants and small children who were very sick and has been very sdisheartening coming across somany with this disease as treatment to cure it is less than $10.....but just too expensive for soo many people...we have been able to buy medicine so far for around 5 people that we have been such a blessing to help them in that way......
HOpe is coming here as many have been giving their lives to Christ as we explain who God says He is and what he requires from us......we are having an awesome time...please pray for extra stength for us as we are about to get really again for all the to you soon!!!
For the sake of the Gospel
HOpe is coming here as many have been giving their lives to Christ as we explain who God says He is and what he requires from us......we are having an awesome time...please pray for extra stength for us as we are about to get really again for all the to you soon!!!
For the sake of the Gospel
Friday, May 29, 2009
Hey Everyone!!
Its Beccah!! So in about an our my team and I our off to the land where we will be doing alot of construction work and getting things ready for the children at the safe house. I just wanted to tell my parents that I am ok and went to the hospital and got medicine and I am back to being healthy again. Sorry I didn't call. Anyways my team and I are so very excited to see all that God is going to do while on the land and when we return. We are not sure if we will have internet while at the land but we will try some how to keep u updated.
This week has been a really cool week for me and the team we have really seen God move in us and through us. We have had many decisions for Christ made. Its been really cool to see God work. We also got to spend time with kids at the safe house. They are truly little angels of God. To think of all the hardship the have seen is heartbreaking but seeing how God can restore a broken heart and life is amazing. Charles and Rose have just been absolutely amazing to us. For those of you that don't know they are the ones who run the safe house. Well my time is about up. I love you and miss you all!!!!!
Beccah :) Psalm 18:2
Its Beccah!! So in about an our my team and I our off to the land where we will be doing alot of construction work and getting things ready for the children at the safe house. I just wanted to tell my parents that I am ok and went to the hospital and got medicine and I am back to being healthy again. Sorry I didn't call. Anyways my team and I are so very excited to see all that God is going to do while on the land and when we return. We are not sure if we will have internet while at the land but we will try some how to keep u updated.
This week has been a really cool week for me and the team we have really seen God move in us and through us. We have had many decisions for Christ made. Its been really cool to see God work. We also got to spend time with kids at the safe house. They are truly little angels of God. To think of all the hardship the have seen is heartbreaking but seeing how God can restore a broken heart and life is amazing. Charles and Rose have just been absolutely amazing to us. For those of you that don't know they are the ones who run the safe house. Well my time is about up. I love you and miss you all!!!!!
Beccah :) Psalm 18:2
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Hello everyone, it's lindsey! thank you so much for all of your prayers and support...i have loved reading all of your comments they are such an encouragement! I don't have long but i wanted to write a little and let you all know i am doing amazing. God has given our team soooo many opportunites to tell people about who He is! Today we finished our first hut for a girl who was abducted for 4 of the girls Jennie and i were told we were real african women because we carried water on our heads (mine was very small but i was still proud) and then we went to a school where many decisions were made for Christ! We leave for the land on saturday morning so continue praying for us and our health bc we will need it when we get out there! i love you all and once again thank you so much for ALL your prayers...they are working =) there is so much to say, i can't wait to get back and tell you all everything! oh and jen and linz i have been using ALL my hand sanitizer so i don't catch anything!!!
Also thank you mom and jane for the medicine bag i was laughed at at the beginning but everyone is very thankful i have ever medicine possible now...haha! I love you all!
Also thank you mom and jane for the medicine bag i was laughed at at the beginning but everyone is very thankful i have ever medicine possible now...haha! I love you all!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Praising God in all Circumstance
Hey Guys,
This is Rebeccah!! I am having a blast here in Uganda. I have been learning so much while I am here. The other day I was reading Isaiah 45 it is such an amazing chapter it really challenged me in my walk with the Lord and my faith as well. I have gotten to participate in some awesome tribal dances. It is so fun learning about there culture. My thoughts are everywhere right now cuz I have so little time to share with u all what all God is doing. So sorry now for the scambled thoughts. One thing I have really seen is these kids praise God despite their conditions. It really makes me question do I do that when I am going through a hard time. I challenge you. If u are going through a hard time to really just praise God despite whatever may be happening. Our theme for the trip that we really want to hit home to these kids is that GOD IS THE SAME YESTERDAY TODAY AND FOREVER. Hope you all are good and we look forward to keeping you guys updated.
Bec Branden and Happy 15th early birthday!!
This is Rebeccah!! I am having a blast here in Uganda. I have been learning so much while I am here. The other day I was reading Isaiah 45 it is such an amazing chapter it really challenged me in my walk with the Lord and my faith as well. I have gotten to participate in some awesome tribal dances. It is so fun learning about there culture. My thoughts are everywhere right now cuz I have so little time to share with u all what all God is doing. So sorry now for the scambled thoughts. One thing I have really seen is these kids praise God despite their conditions. It really makes me question do I do that when I am going through a hard time. I challenge you. If u are going through a hard time to really just praise God despite whatever may be happening. Our theme for the trip that we really want to hit home to these kids is that GOD IS THE SAME YESTERDAY TODAY AND FOREVER. Hope you all are good and we look forward to keeping you guys updated.
Bec Branden and Happy 15th early birthday!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Hello everyone....I am writing from a internet cafe here in Gulu. We have now been hee about 2 1/2 days. We have met up with 2 other students here working with us...Bryce(24) and Brynn(19) , though if we could we would switch the blog to 10 hearts 4 uganda..
We spent our first day here planning the program we were going to present to the children. Our heart was really to show them the character of God, that they could find consistency in Him even when visitors come and go and times are rough. We have been to 2 of the camps so far ministering with the children. THey have been so welcoming with their dances and dramas. LAst night we led the bible study for the 19 children living in the safe house with seems as if she is a mother to over 400 children. We are very excited to continue spending time and ministering in the camps and around the community. It seems to be rough time for enough food for all the children in the camps, as rainy season is ending many are running out of the food they had stored up and the harvest is not yet ready. Please pray God would provide!!
Everyone has been somewhat healthy....there a still a few stomachs adjusting
But ministy has been we began building huts in the was for a 15 year old girl named Irene....she was in abduction for 4 years before she escaped and had lost her parents and brothers and sisters...she now lives with her aunt and takes care of the children left from her brothers and will a great thing when she can move into her own hut!!
We will update again soon!!!
We spent our first day here planning the program we were going to present to the children. Our heart was really to show them the character of God, that they could find consistency in Him even when visitors come and go and times are rough. We have been to 2 of the camps so far ministering with the children. THey have been so welcoming with their dances and dramas. LAst night we led the bible study for the 19 children living in the safe house with seems as if she is a mother to over 400 children. We are very excited to continue spending time and ministering in the camps and around the community. It seems to be rough time for enough food for all the children in the camps, as rainy season is ending many are running out of the food they had stored up and the harvest is not yet ready. Please pray God would provide!!
Everyone has been somewhat healthy....there a still a few stomachs adjusting
But ministy has been we began building huts in the was for a 15 year old girl named Irene....she was in abduction for 4 years before she escaped and had lost her parents and brothers and sisters...she now lives with her aunt and takes care of the children left from her brothers and will a great thing when she can move into her own hut!!
We will update again soon!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Were Here and SAFE!!!!
Hey Everyone,
This is Rebeccah I am in Uganda! Our whole team made it safely! We spent the last two days on a plane it is Thursday here. We just arrived about 3 hours ago to our hotel. Everything went smooth pretty much. We all slept on the planes and when we got to Amsterdam we met up with Amanda then we had a 7 hour flight to Entebbe Uganda. We are spinning the night in the hotel called Sophie's motel. Its a very quaint little motel. We got picked up by Susan and her friend Solomon. Susan is the cousin of Rose the women who runs village of hope where we are working. We all really tired and jetlag. We have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow morning to drive to Kampalla so.. I am off to bed. Just wanted to keep you guys up to date on what going on!
- Da Team- Chris, Rebeccah, Lindsey, Josh, Amanda, Zach, Jennie, and Vince
Thanks for all of your prayers!!
This is Rebeccah I am in Uganda! Our whole team made it safely! We spent the last two days on a plane it is Thursday here. We just arrived about 3 hours ago to our hotel. Everything went smooth pretty much. We all slept on the planes and when we got to Amsterdam we met up with Amanda then we had a 7 hour flight to Entebbe Uganda. We are spinning the night in the hotel called Sophie's motel. Its a very quaint little motel. We got picked up by Susan and her friend Solomon. Susan is the cousin of Rose the women who runs village of hope where we are working. We all really tired and jetlag. We have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow morning to drive to Kampalla so.. I am off to bed. Just wanted to keep you guys up to date on what going on!
- Da Team- Chris, Rebeccah, Lindsey, Josh, Amanda, Zach, Jennie, and Vince
Thanks for all of your prayers!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Officially off to Uganda
This is Rebeccah again lol... we all officially off today! Just wanted to let all of you guys know we will be in Uganda on Wednesday. I am officially leaving for the airport now!! Can't wait to update you guys!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Big Day- Leaving for Uganda!!! <3

Hey Guys,
So its Rebeccah this time. I am thrilled today my team and I leave for Uganda! I can't believe the day has come. As many of you guys know I have never been to Africa so this is all going to be a new adventure to me and I am so ready for it. I have dreamed about going to Africa ever since I was young and now it is coming soon. I was telling my friend Rachel yesterday that it just does not seem real. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would get such an amazing opportunity. I am finally all packed and ready to go. I wanted to thank each and everyone one of you for all of your prayers and support. The four main people I want to thank is my grandparents Florence and Jerry! Thanks for helping me out so much and being such a great support to me and my family! I don't know who I would be if I didn't have you guys for my grandparents. Grandaddy I can't wait to tell you the amazing stories from start to finish like I do every trip lol. Granny I can't wait to see you and tell you about all the amazing children. Thanks a million! I especially want to thank my mom and dad Bob and Debbie. I really just kinda through this trip on them. They didn't want me to go at first but then they became my biggest support and have been so encouraging and amazing through this whole long journey.They have been so awesome and helped me while at school and home to get ready! I love you both very Much!

Any ways enough with all the shout outs lol. I am so excited to see all that God is going to do on this trip! It is going to be so amazing. Please pray for our team for our
1. That God will use us and move the people of Uganda's hearts
2. Our health and safety
3. For our families as we are away.
Can't wait to share with you guys all that God is doing and how he is working when we get there.
We love you all!
In Christ Love,
Mark 16:15
Sunday, May 17, 2009
only 2 days!!!
So its me Chris again. So my team and I are pretty close to being gone out of the for the first time. Lately it has been so incredible hearing stories of everyone getting the rest of their money as well as additional funds/gifts for the kids at village of hope. I got a package of 100 shirts the other day from Fig tree clothing that say Stop the nakedness on Recently Jennie, Zack and Vince spoke at a church and got $400!!!!.....and Josh with a recent check of $600 to finish off his final needed funds! All you friends and family have been so generous and sacrificial with your money to allow us to do this for our Lord and savior, we are soooo grateful!!!.. I plan to have a special night while we are in Uganda to specifically lift up and pray for you and ask God to continue to bless you!! Hebrews 6:10-12!!!!!! and Romans 10:14-15.....we could not go without you!!!!
Our team lately has just been very excited and sorting out details with packing and plane flights as we are all traveling from different parts of the country and meeting in amsterdam to fly into Uganda. Please be praying for traveling mercies....we need His grace ...that we all make it safe and on well as our luggage......foremost please be praying for the people of Uganda..that God would move mightlity and bring HOPE in some of these terribly desparate situations.
We will be confernece calling tomorrow and praying together one final time before we all meet on tuesday. I am so excited and thrilled for what God has planned for us and Uganda this summer!!!
So its me Chris again. So my team and I are pretty close to being gone out of the for the first time. Lately it has been so incredible hearing stories of everyone getting the rest of their money as well as additional funds/gifts for the kids at village of hope. I got a package of 100 shirts the other day from Fig tree clothing that say Stop the nakedness on Recently Jennie, Zack and Vince spoke at a church and got $400!!!!.....and Josh with a recent check of $600 to finish off his final needed funds! All you friends and family have been so generous and sacrificial with your money to allow us to do this for our Lord and savior, we are soooo grateful!!!.. I plan to have a special night while we are in Uganda to specifically lift up and pray for you and ask God to continue to bless you!! Hebrews 6:10-12!!!!!! and Romans 10:14-15.....we could not go without you!!!!
Our team lately has just been very excited and sorting out details with packing and plane flights as we are all traveling from different parts of the country and meeting in amsterdam to fly into Uganda. Please be praying for traveling mercies....we need His grace ...that we all make it safe and on well as our luggage......foremost please be praying for the people of Uganda..that God would move mightlity and bring HOPE in some of these terribly desparate situations.
We will be confernece calling tomorrow and praying together one final time before we all meet on tuesday. I am so excited and thrilled for what God has planned for us and Uganda this summer!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Holla!!!!!!!---lujah its only 6 days until we leave!!! That's really kind of ridiculously crazy. To all you people reading this who don't know me--I am Chris Biddix. Last summer I spent a month in Uganda. That was my 5th trip overseas, and I thought I seen it all. but nothing could have prepared m
e for what I saw and experienced there in Gulu. Hundreds and thousands of orphans, living off one meal a week and not knowing where money would come from for an education to even have a future. That week in Gulu changed my life. I had to go back. What started as a crazy spur of the moment comment is about to become a reality. I have been keeping in touch with Cindy from the Village of Hope since my return in July and to hear the updates and stories of how the lives of these children are being changed has only fed my heart and passion for them more and more. I am so glad that others are coming with me as well. I'm def with Rebecca on the preparing part. Its been difficult to try and get my heart ready for this trip with exams, school, logistics, and other stuff...but as I was speaking with a friend the other day, she reminded me of how awesome this is going to me...I's going to have to be ALL God's work.....we as a team may be weak and ill-prepared...but we've given what we can and are stepping out willing ot be used...Now God will be faithful to work. We all will be broken before Him...but thats the one He esteems....and in our weakness, HE is our strength. 

Please pray for us......
check out
More to come,
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Hey Everyone,
This is me and Britt Nichole this past summer
It's Rebeccah we have exactly 6days until we leave. The excitement in me is growing. I can't wait to see what all God has planned. But I have to be honest I haven't been preparing my heart for the trip. I have so occupied with some decision about next year pertaining to what I want to study and all that. I am just going to be completely honest here I have no idea what God has called me to do with my life except fulltime ministry so I am just going to really fully surrender all my worry to Lord. I am doing myself no good to worry about stuff I cannot control. I think all of us go through these times at some point in our lives. So tonight I did just that. I was just listening tomy favorite song by Britt Nichole " Set The World on Fire".
It made me feel at peace with this upcoming trip! I really feel thatGod is going to do amazing work in my life and the rest of my teams life as well. I just wanted to share with you guys what has been going on in my heart and in my head. I also wanted to share a memory of the my favorite artist who wrote such an inspiring song to make me really want to SET THE WORLD ON FIRE 4 CHRIST. I hope each and everyone of you are doing great. Sorry if this is a little off topic of Uganda.It was just on my heart! :)
Serving Him,
Da Team- Rebeccah
Serving Him,
Da Team- Rebeccah
Mark 16:15
Saturday, May 9, 2009
10 days until we leave...
It is ten days exactly until we leave for Uganda! I am so excited and can't wait to see all that God has planned for our journey. I just thought I would say a quick hello and tell you a little about me Rebeccah. The others will tell about themselves in later post to come. I am Rebeccah. I am from the South and go to a christian university where I am studying childrens ministry and mission. I really feel like God has called me into full time ministry and this trip this summer is one step closer I feel to what God is preparing me for in the future. Well enough about me. Our team is amazing and I can't wait to see all that God is going to be doing. I really want to thank all of you who have supported me and and my team and are making it possible for all of us to go. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks to all that will be praying for us. We all look forward to keeping you all updated on what is going on and how God is working in us and through us.
Prayer Request:1. Teams Health before we go
2. That the Lord will be preparing the hearts of the people in Uganda
3. Safety traveling and preparation
God Bless,
Da Team - Rebeccah
Prayer Request:1. Teams Health before we go
2. That the Lord will be preparing the hearts of the people in Uganda
3. Safety traveling and preparation
God Bless,
Da Team - Rebeccah
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