Yoyo..so its only 6 days until we leave!!! That's really kind of ridiculously crazy. To all you people reading this who don't know me--I am Chris Biddix. Last summer I spent a month in Uganda. That was my 5th trip overseas, and I thought I seen it all. but nothing could have prepared m
e for what I saw and experienced there in Gulu. Hundreds and thousands of orphans, living off one meal a week and not knowing where money would come from for an education to even have a future. That week in Gulu changed my life. I had to go back. What started as a crazy spur of the moment comment is about to become a reality. I have been keeping in touch with Cindy from the Village of Hope since my return in July and to hear the updates and stories of how the lives of these children are being changed has only fed my heart and passion for them more and more. I am so glad that others are coming with me as well. I'm def with Rebecca on the preparing part. Its been difficult to try and get my heart ready for this trip with exams, school, logistics, and other stuff...but as I was speaking with a friend the other day, she reminded me of how awesome this is going to me...I mean...it's going to have to be ALL God's work.....we as a team may be weak and ill-prepared...but we've given what we can and are stepping out willing ot be used...Now God will be faithful to work. We all will be broken before Him...but thats the one He esteems....and in our weakness, HE is our strength. 

Please pray for us......
check out http://www.villageofhopeuganda.com/
More to come,
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